O Guardião da Meia Noite em Inglês
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Detalhes do Livro
- The Midnight Guardian
Autor: Rubens Saraceni
ISBN (e-book): 9780983772309
Gênero: Religion and Spirituality, Spiritual awakening
Data da Publicação: 2011
Acabamento: 132 pages

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Descrição do livro
The psychographic literature is no longer viewed with some humor and literary arrogance, attitude coming from prejudice and ignorance. Whatever the interpretation which it gives, mystical or scientific, we can’t deny the authenticity of such a phenomenon. The Midnight Guardian is not only a tightly woven narrative plot, but a clarification for those who disobey the Law and must pay for their mistakes. Everyone has a job to do, some of the Light and others of the Dark, and no one escapes the Law of cause and effect. Make a mistake is to trigger a series of other errors in a path whose return will be remote and painful.